Wed 26th Sept 2018

Congratulations to Peter Gill on his gliding solo earlier this week. Even after a long career in aviation involving an impressive array of aircraft types, Peter was wowed by his first solo at Talgarth. Photo to be posted shortly. The smile says it all!

In Peters own words:

“So, what to say about Black Mountain Gliding Club at Talgarth.  I was lucky, I had originally booked into another Gliding Club for a one-week course and they cancelled it.  What a stroke of luck, because I ended up at Talgarth with the BMGC. I turned up on the Sunday before my first week started and checked in to my B & B and then up to the Gliding site.  They had just had a glider land out and were going off to retrieve it, I volunteered to help do the retrieve and met two of the members, which was great because their friendly manner set the tone for the week to come.”

“Monday came and I was introduced to my instructor for the week, Mike.  I learnt a lot that week about ridge flying, not to mention brushing up on half-forgotten techniques from the past. The great thing was, the fact that the friendly atmosphere and helpfulness of all the members there made sure it was a week to remember, so much so I booked back in for  several more days flying.  The end result was that I  got aerotow cleared,  sent solo in a glider for the first time in fifty -two years.  I also achieved several longish ridge flights which were great fun, and it all culminated in Mike flight testing and passing me for  my BGA Bronze C Badge.”